Privacy Policy

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This Policy covers the treatment of personally identifiable information collected by ("Fun Travel Deals"), when you access the website Fun Travel Deals . This policy does not apply to any entity not owned or controlled by the Company. This Policy may not be applicable to any information provided by you or on your behalf to Fun Travel Deals in any other context. By accessing the Fun Travel Deals website or any website of the Company, you are consenting to the information collection and use practices described in this Policy.

Collection of identifiable information

We will collect information from you if you choose to register for certain services provided by Fun Travel Deals . The following specific information will be sought by us when requesting information about you: Name, Address, Mobile Number, Telephone Number, E-mail address. Fun Travel Deals uses the personal information collected from you for two general purposes: to fulfill your requests for certain information, products and services; and to contact you about the latest about Fun Travel Deals.

Collection of non-identifiable information

This website may also provide us with certain non-personally identifiable information about your access to the website. Such information includes the IP address through which this site is accessed, the time at which this site is accessed and the specific portions of the website accessed by you. This information is not personally identifiable. Fun Travel Deals uses this information as a feedback for improvement of the website, and for an analysis of the most frequently accessed portions of the website. This information will not at any stage be passed on to any person

Usage by our partners

We may from time to time engage external agencies to provide certain services on our behalf. These services may range from booking of any service offered on this website, sending dispatches by mail, co-ordination of feedback, delivery of prizes (if any) etc. These external agencies are obligated to us in terms of confidentiality agreements and will be provided the personal information strictly on a need to know basis.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone, nor will we use or share your personal information in a manner that differs from what is described in this Privacy Policy without your prior consent. We will only send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when

a. We have your consent to share the information.

b. We need to share the information with business partners in order to respond to your comments or to resolve any issue.

c. We respond to requests from any Indian or foreign government, security, defence, revenue, regulatory or other authority, agency or officer.

d. If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to / reply to any court orders / legal process / summons served on Fun Travel Deals

Collection of information by third parties

Fun Travel Deals may offer promotions that are sponsored by or co-sponsored with identified third parties. By virtue of their sponsorship, these third parties may obtain information that you voluntarily submit to participate in the activity. We have no control over these third parties' use of this information and we encourage you to consult their privacy policies for more information on their privacy practices.


We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies. If you have questions about our privacy statement or our use of your information, or if you need help changing the information provided to us.

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